Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to Term 4, 2020 for ‘face to face’ learning.

Firstly, I would like to thank all the parents for your ongoing support, especially during remote learning last term. I really appreciated it.

In Religion and Values, for the past three weeks, Foundation students have been learning about the Five Pillars of Islam and their significance for Muslims. The students will explore each Pillar of Islam in more detail throughout this term by doing different activities and watching various videos.

Year One students are working on Unit 4, Chapter 3 “Greeting One Another”. They are learning how Muslims should greet each other and how students should greet their parents when they go home.

The Years Twos and Threes have been learning about the qualities of good Muslims and beautiful ethics of our Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Year Four students have been learning about the topics of Responsibility, Respect and Honesty.

Year Five students are working hard to learn how Muslims should show compassion towards orphans and others in need.

Year Six students are studying the duties and responsibilities towards our families and the teachings of the holy prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.).

For Integrated Studies, Year One students are studying about Sound and Light. They are learning the definition, the properties, and the sources of light. They are exploring through experiments that light waves are waves of energy and come in many sizes. Sounds are loud or soft, high, or low. A soundwave must travel through something for it to be heard. They are also working on a project where they are required to choose a musical instrument and research about it. They will design a homemade version of this instrument. Some students have already completed their project and you can see their pictures.

Integrated Studies

Mrs. Sadia Amjed
Religion & Values Teacher